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Revision as of 14:33, 12 February 2024 by Itsaderpdrone (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Oh hai. I’m itsaderpdrone, formerly Lord Vulferam or Vulf. I’ve been into kink and bdsm since I was 18. I’ve been a Dom, had a pack, run a few workshops in the UK. Now I’m a sub. Aside from shitposting on twitter I also post about safer BDSM, sexual health and mental health.")
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Oh hai.

I’m itsaderpdrone, formerly Lord Vulferam or Vulf. I’ve been into kink and bdsm since I was 18. I’ve been a Dom, had a pack, run a few workshops in the UK. Now I’m a sub. Aside from shitposting on twitter I also post about safer BDSM, sexual health and mental health.